
Case Studies

Retail, Medical and Scientific Datasets

Retail Data

Customer Segmentations

klastroGraph: Uncover customer segments in just 15 minutes! Experience the unmatched speed of GPU-powered machine learning.

klastroGraph automatically finds the customer segments in the retail dataset. It utilizes the GPU-based optimized solution that takes only 15 min to find the optimized number of the clusters while the CPU-based solution takes about 5 hours on a retail dataset with 100,000 rows and more than 700 columns. Experience 20x faster customer data segmentation.

By analyzing various patient characteristics (age, gender, diseases, genetic information, etc.), we can group patients with similar traits. This helps in developing targeted treatments for each group and in creating effective disease prevention strategies.

We use special algorithms to find hidden patterns in complex patient data. Like finding constellations in the night sky, we can identify meaningful groups within seemingly scattered patient information. This can help predict disease progression, improve treatment outcomes, and personalize care.”

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“klastroGraph: Even the Iris dataset reveals new secrets

The Iris dataset is a classic example in machine learning, often used to illustrate classification techniques. It contains measurements of three different species of iris flowers: Iris setosa, Iris versicolor, and Iris virginica. While it’s generally accepted that there are three distinct species, klastroGraph’s automated clustering might group the data differently.

You are witinessing the secret of the Iris dataset now.”

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